
Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23. Day 296. Breathe ....

Walking is not such an unusual way to relax after a long and tiring week. In fact, I'm pretty sure health experts recommend it. Walking with a dog on your shoulder is, however, something uniquely mine. Indeed people look at the Susan and Rumple walk team with something between amusement and disbelief. One woman we walked by today was concerned the poor puppy was ill. I assured her he was fine, just fine. I probably should have added that the one she should have been concerned about was the crazy human with the living fur on her back. I consider it weight training. Besides if you are going to try wildlife photography while accompanied by a dog you are less likely to be perceived as a threat and more likely to get the shot when the canine assistant is securely perched out of the way. It works for us. And how many people get to walk and cuddle their beloved fur friend at the same time? It might not take off any time soon especially if your dog is a Great Dane but it works for us. Now all I have to remember to breathe ...

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